mesh digital strategy
A small team can achieve BIG GROWTH.
Prove what you got
in the top-notch market.
Digital solutions are in high demand in Taiwan.
163 million
small-and-medium-sized entreprises
of SMEs only use basic digital tools, i.e., Gmail, WhatsApp, Instagram
Why mesh?
Mesh helps your product disrupt the world faster. We are a digital transformation consulting company. We help small and medium-sized companies in Taiwan to transform their business model or manufacturing process with digital tools. We work with startups who want to expand their market or find overseas users. We don't charge startups until we make a transaction for you, and we are more than happy to build a revenue-sharing partnership with you.
No charge until we make a transaction. Open to Revenue-sharing if your product is subscription-based.
Wide Network
Doing business is all about "guān xì" (network) in Taiwan. We are supported by VCs, founders, and international enterprise senior leaders.
Proudly founded by a digital transformation consultant from Deloitte Taiwan, an account manager from Frost & Sullivan, and a machine learning engineer.